Oh, I’m such a slacker! I still have cute pictures of Alexia to post, but I’ve been caught up in other stuff lately that I haven’t had a chance. I also need to get some pictures of Halloween posted on here. Will do!
But, the election and other stuff has been occupying my brain as of late, and I wanted to post about it. First of all, I’m not shouting for joy that Obama was elected…I was definitely rooting the other way. However, Glenn Beck, a talk-show host made a good point about it. If we go around hating Obama, bad-talking him, and criticizing everything that he does in the next 4 or 8 years, then we are no better than all of the Bush-haters that have gone around blaming him for everything wrong in the country. I got so fed-up with the Bush bashing sessions and criticisms, because although he may have made mistakes, I still respect the guy a ton and hey, he was the president of the United States. Have some respect! So, I'm trying to remember that although I may not agree with him all the time, he’ll still be the president of our country. He will still deserve our respect and need our prayers.
Next, I’m saddened by all of the protests and nasty things people have said about the church regarding our involvement in getting Proposition 8 passed. We have every right as a church to get involved and try and spread the word about something we believe in! I cringed when one of the spokespeople for the protests started criticizing “Thomas Monson” and blaming him personally for the passage of the proposition. It actually made me cry hearing him talked about in such a disrespectful way. I know that protesters have rights of speech and can protest when they want to, but it’s hard to see them specifically targeting the church and the temple in California.
So, let’s all keep President Monson in our prayers and pray that things can be resolved quickly and without too much negativity towards the church.
That’s all I have to say about that.